
Friday, September 28, 2012

Industry Oriented Programming and Practices

This course is Industry Oriented Practices. This is for preparing students for working in the connected and collaborative working patterns that are rapidly emerging in business and industry. The course has multiple objectives. 
  • At top level, it orients students towards new and emerging industrial and social order enabled by cloud computing and social media. Towards this end, it introduces them the elements of concept, theory and general practices that are emerging such as searching, blogging, chatting and their implications for personal and professional life.
  • At a higher and conceptual level the course aim to introduce  a "re-think" in terms of new building block and realities of the new technology infrastructure such as MapReduce, Hadoop and more and convince students to stop thinking in terms of traditional and ceasing to be useful " batch processing models"
  • Secondly at practical level, the course will introduce and illustrate the new enabling features afforded by cloud computing such as online sharing, collaborating online and over ling distances and more. . For general students, the course aims to introduce need for and possibility of "computational thinking"- integrating new and powerful tools and resources provided by cloud into their to theory and experimental procedure.
  • Finally it will also introduce elements of new emerging economic order called " cloudonomics". and impressing workforce in terms of mash-up and not build up; and best order to procure resources required for complete occupation on hand is - identify, generate and assembly - instead of building everything on one's own and from the scratch.

Class No: 01

In industry productivity is a prized possession. After stressing the need for productivity goals and showing that it is possible for certain industry leaders   the course shows that cloud computing provides a range of tools and resources that help employees enhance their individual institutional productivity using the following What Cloud Computing for For You presentation

Class No 2:
Once students are convinced about the cloud computing available for them, the class shows some illustrations on how cloud computing can be used for collaboration using a classroom example.  A document was created by the course instructor and shared with all students- asking them to enter some details. While students were adding details- the document was shown on the screen using a projector. This helped students to understand how cloud computing provides a tool in Google Docs that can help people collaborate on real time basis. Written communication is an integral part of our professional life and students were told to write an assignment and subject it to readability test before submitting to the course instructor. The idea is to inculcate students a habit of testing their writing before sending it - be it an email message or a thesis paper. Finally each student was asked to create and share a document with one of his classmates and use it for exchanging some information of mutual interest. 

Class No 3:
This class was used to conduct a in-course test. A couple of questions were given to students with a choice and they were asked to write their answer in an online document shared with the course instructor 

Class No 4:
In this class each student was asked to create a blog and publish all previously created course work on the blog. It included the collaborate with classmate, first-test answer scripts, and also course home page.  The idea behind this exercise is to help student find space in the web and use it to publish their stuff. The message was to use this blogging media as a regular point of publishing both for professional and personal matters.

Class No 5
This class was used to teach the fundamentals of cloud computing in a practical manner. The service models of cloud computing -  Infrastructure as a service ( Iaas), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a service (Paas) were illustrated using Gmail and Google docs. The idea and practice of Infrastrcture as a service ( IaaS) was illustated using Gmail wherein each user is provided with a certain amount of cloud storage- an example of IaaS. The uique feature of cloud services such as pay as you go and purchase additional space were also shown using Google Additional space buying offer. The class also demonstrated features such as Google Spreadsheet functions- as first step towards API. GoogleFinance was demonstrated as Data as a Service (DaaS) example . Then students were asked to try at least 10 function on their own from the Google Spreadsheet function list  and here is one student submission


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